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Yo momma so ugly. just kidding if you have original jokes you want to share with the world just click.
Rachel Eagle Reiter


::: Garden Chatter :::

GOD: Now, my children. Each of you are getting the boot. Go on. Get out of the garden.

EVE: It’s my husband’s fault. He should have grabbed the fruit out of my hand and not let me eat it!

ADAM: It’s Eve’s fault. She seduced me. She learned the ways of a serpent. And I was led astray.

GOD: Surely, this shall not happen again. Eve, here is your punishment: the husband is to be the head of the home from this day forward; and so it will be with all of the generations to come. Adam, this is your punishment: the earth will no longer give to you freely. You must toil if you want to eat. You are a slave to labor; and Eve is a slave to you.

ADAM: That’s o.k. with me.

EVE: What? Is he going to have dominion over me as if I am another one of his pets. Is not woman higher than man because she was the finishing touch of God’s creation?

GOD: I’m sorry Eve, but I have made up my mind and nothing will change it. However, I will give you a little something special?
EVE: Oh, please do.

GOD: You will have authority over the forces that tried to illegally have authority over you. And all unseen creatures in hades must submit to you.

ADAM: Hey God, I want something special, too?

GOD: No, that’s it. I’m through. Now make haste. Both of you.

Written by: ~ Rachel Eagle Reiter

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