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Michael Smith


::: 24 :::

Enter pif I had 24 hours to live
id gather up the sunset and lock it away in a bottle
id steal a convertible and drive it down the highway open throttle
id record every thought that passed through my mind
id fall in love over and over again, a hundred thousand times
if I had 24 hours to live
id probably get drunk and preach to the children
tell em they’re only as strong as the foundations they’re building
id rob a bank, and give all the money to the hungry
id give a better life to all the people that loved me
and if I had 24 hours to live
id spread my dreams like out of control wild fires
and drop my beliefs like pile drivers
id make a speech and call our government a bunch of two faced crooked liars
they speak with infected mouths like pulling teeth with rusty pliers
so I probably wouldn’t accomplish half of what ghandi did
but I'm pretty sure id die with a grin
knowing the meaning of life is simply to live
so with 24 hours left
id cherish every single breath
id put on my best face and dress
and have billie holiday sing the blues, as I marched towards my death

Written by: ~ Michael Smith

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