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Jason Sims
Born February. 6, 1980
I began writing at the age of 10, it became my therapy to escape or just express myself.
I lived a harsh child hood, I kept many things to myself, maybe because I just didn't how to talk about it so I put everything in writing.
I was heavily influenced by music and the stories I heard thru music.
Just like many songwriters and even rappers, writing poetry became my way to talk to the world, sometimes just for me.
My style of writing has a rhythm to it seeing that I was influenced by different types of music including hip-hop.
Today I’m 28 years old and still have a lot to say, every day that goes by is a new experience.


::: finally letting go :::

It's been a long time coming; I hope I’m not to late
I've been fightin for so long to change my fate.
I was taking baby steps and now it's time to grow
I'm still on a mission of saving my soul.
They ask me how I do it and all I did was make a choice
They stay like sitting ducks keeping them fingers moist.

Some tell me they make moves like them movers move
But you still stuck in the same lane, ignoring the truth.
So I’m finally letting go, but not to hide my wrongs
I'm just tired of being weak when I appeared to be strong.

Written by: ~ Jason

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