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Randall Sokoloff


::: No Thing Never More :::

What am I to do with this statement,
”we are all going to die”
How am I to handle this unavoidable error?
”Live” some may say but
down here in my living room where all
life wants to live forever more
watching shadows of empty ghosts
slide silently around on my walls:
What am I to think when I know they are dancing
around and around awaiting my inevitable
slip at some point in ambiguous time?
What am I to make of this omniscient narrator named death
through which all things cease being personal and end up no more
than a good idea?
What am I to do as one living who comprehends the toll
that passing time charges all things material?
A cure I have been told is to focus upon
this moment in time where all things become NOW
and death a concept that is unreal and suspended in future time.
In the NOW all things forever live but my mind
refuses to stay still, running ahead in time
imagining things NOW here forever gone.
Cartesian logic defies my soul insistence
upon understanding an end which is without thought
no more my own than the air beneath my nose?
Everything is impermanent none want to admit
yet my noon time reveries with the divine and Coltraine
tell me some thing more is still undone.
Outside death is always not far waiting in time
for all things to open the door and never no more.
It is this phenomena like watching an old film
in reverse that makes my mind swarm with something akin
to fear or wonder, a metaphysical tremor when I consider
my flesh’s passing fancy, its limit in time
the brief display of a body which ends in dirt or ash
homogenizing all livings things into one thing or
no thing never more.

Written by: ~ Randall Sokoloff

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