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:: Audrey De Leon ::
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Audrey De Leon

Well, I'm sure that we can all agree that we are all here to display our creative endeavors. I so happen to have a passion to write, to explore the conscious, to embrace emotion, and to dictate it to the world through the power of the written word. I dont want to seem presumptuous, but I'm here to write and be faithful to the "idea" at which might be at your expense, so please, read with caution and discretion. My name is Audrey De Leon and I was born in Los Angeles, California in 1988. Acutely, I was raised in Sun Valley/Burbank which are small neighboring cities within the Postal of Los Angeles. I'm an amateur/freelance writer searching for any opportunity to expand and nurture this self proclaimed talent. Nineteen years in this world just seem to not justify any claim nor remark, so I will patiently wait to enrich and evidently prove this theory that I can be successful through writting. I must say that I dont define "success" by the modern day standard. My success is accomplished through the ponder of an audience, or through the enlightment of one. I have a very supportive family, an amazing group of friends, and a wide spread of acquaintances that feed the fury in my passion every single day. I plan to one day be able to explore and conquer the world and bring it alive to those around me through ink and paper.


::: Question: What is the brightest constellation on earth?
Answer: The United States of America :::

Well the U.S. is on Earth, and Earth is quite impractical
"Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable"


Saul Williams and The Night are my current inspirations to the following...
So I sit to ponder as I’m IMing with the Peanut to my Jelly.
I was once told the Body is a cruel place, but I disagree.
I disagree, because the body is only a cruel place when inhabited by Cardinal sins Or Cardinal Vices.
"I want a perfect Body, I want a perfect Soul..." – Radio Head

-Luxuria (Lust)
-Gula (Gluttony)
-Avaritia (Greed)
-Acedia (Sloth)
-Ira (Wrath)
-Invidia (Envy)
-Superbia (Pride)

I can say that I once sang the lyrics to Creep with great reference to my life.
Well, there’s hope to cure your vices
These are called Virtues! mm hmm...the Business!

-Castitus (Chastity)
-Frenum (Abstinence)
-Liberalitas (Liberality)
-Industria (Diligence)
-Patientia (Patience)
-Humanitas (Kindness)
-Humilitas (Humility)

Now I can say that I am Experiencing all the above and I now feel that My Body and Soul are perfect imperfections.

It's as If I'm now letting the sun rise,
but nonetheless My sun will set again, and I am left with the night

My nights are filled with constellations & the moon. It's that moon that reflects the sun, which will leave my sight momentarily, but I can still see the reflective radiance of the sun through the moon, through the night, through my virtues and my vices.

This is my Erratic Sunshine.

Written by: ~ Audrey De Leon

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