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::: What are your roots? :::

Webster defines roots as "the essential core", which to me means the foundation of which one comes from...embrace and be proud of ALL that has made YOU. Not what other people think you should be, but YOU! I really whole-heartedly believe in this...Its my life story... people questioning who I am, why I enjoy listening to Latin music, even talking a certain way. It's not about fitting the mold of what I should be, but about how I was raised. If you think about heaven I doubt it's going to matter one bit who's who. Didn't we all come from one mother and father anyway (Adam and Eve)? Just a thought. One more thing, this issue I hear from some of us of African descent - claiming that those who have a little more of a racial mix than others have "Pretty hair" while our natural hair is viewed as this wreck of a mess that cant be "pretty" unless its straightened is so not true. Look at it this way, if a certain plant only needs water to grow and flourish and another needs a little extra plant food, and sunlight in order to bloom, why does it seem that the first plant is more beautiful than the second? Additionally why should this second plant be inferior to the first? Just a thought. All I am trying to say is.... our natural hair is just fine. If we take the time to take care of it, it will in turn blossom beautifully. Personally, I have taken the stand against perms 3 months ago...working towards getting my natural mane back. But, until then I will definitely have to keep my hair braided because while its ok to be happy to be nappy...half perm and half natural hair is a recipe for impossible hair dos. :0)

Written by: ~ Sheenah

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