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Nikki Boom



::: You Me Us We :::

In the beginning, God created us.
You and I.
Yet, I was snatched from your embrace to rest in my father’s loins.
I sat not thinking but longing for your touch, your warmth.
Through conception from my father’s erection, I traveled with the speed of thought to my mother’s womb. For nine months I plotted my escape.
I constantly hungered for you.
My heart,
My soul searched aimlessly for you.

Now, at night I lay awake staring into the darkness, hoping light will take shape and the image of my desire becomes you.
You were the first beat of my heart.
Now my heart beats for you.
The alarm clock sounds and I am awakened from a tireless spell.
Some call the dreams; I call them memories of us.
I sigh heavily to start my day.
On tiptoe, I peer over the window ceil to awe at the rising sun.

Sun rise.
Hope rise.
Hope for one day, I will return to you.
To your arms.
Your embrace.

Me, You, We, One.
My heart is desolate without you.
My heart as sensitive as the tips of my breast,
My lips pout like clouds.
My skin rich as dark earth.

Through my pen I give birth to words that echo you.
My heart awaits the day when We two become One.

Written by: ~ Nikki Boom

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