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Jacob John


::: The Summer’s End :::

It’s mad how many days have gone by. Yet here I am in the mist of the rain on this cool Chicago night. I met her at the bar and we touched eyes and bled through the same heart. And tomorrow she’ll be gone, but on this night we just stood there in God’s tears with our eyes closed, breathing in the life that surrounded us on all angles like a well. She danced and twirled and I stood there and watched as she sputtered across the damp street. She whispered things like black birds, and broken windows catching the breeze. She was a city girl, a tramp, a crazy heart that never could think of welting. Drunk, and stoned, we walked towards the city on an empty avenue, glowing along with it. Sadness had fell over the rest of the city but let us alone on the grueling road that was drowning beneath us. We could hear the shouts from bars as we passed by unnoticed. And the city glowed in the sky and soon we were there, inside its walls and its wisdom.

We walked around all night long, sipping on my silver flask, stopping in parks to mess around, and when the sun painted the lake orange we were asleep in some cemetery on Clark Street, buried alive in our love and left for dead by another drunken night, among the other sad souls that lay patient six feet below us.

Love is a lot like death. When falling into either, all pain is stripped from the body, and through the jar of our mind (that is filled with fireflies and dreams), we see past the blackness of the world and realize that we are, and will always be, alive.

The morning brought sadness as we walked to the sidewalk outside of the cemetery, away from the graves, the wet leaves and the flower-filled coffins below. It was quite and I could see her breathe in the cold. We stood silent with eyes locked, talking for a while about nothing, both feeling confused and hung over. I moved in and kissed her once more. She smiled, turned and walked away down the cold concrete, still stumbling and laughing, while a single taxicab drove by through the fall air, in a hurry, with nowhere to go, unaware of anything but a waving hand two blocks ahead.

Written by: ~ Jacob John

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