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:: Tony Gray Owl ::
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Tony Gray Owl


::: The meaning of a rose :::

Just as the rose, your beauty makes me smile. Your love so full, like the essence of a rose filling my senses. We must be kind and gentle in the way we touch each others lives, for like a roses thorn we to can pierce and bleed, not just the skin, but to the core the thing we call our heart. Yet unlike the petal that falls and fades into the past, a broken heart remembers the dead that was done last. Just as the rose can pierce you to cause some pain and bleed, still we go back time and time again for the beauty that makes us smile, the essence that fills us teaches us something. We must always forgive unconditionally and let the essence of our love work its majik that mends a broken heart. It is not an easy task to make the two become one, not unlike the rose and the thorn the two are indeed one. It is accomplished by the gentlest of touches to make us simply one.

Written by: ~ Tony Gray Owl

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