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:: PhatPoet ::
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I'm 24 years old, half Samoan and half Mexican descent from San Jose, CA. When I'm not working on my poetry book or writing music I spend time with my 2-week-old baby girl Dasia. During the week I work retail and on the weekend I’m a bouncer.


::: Pac and Hughes :::

This one is for one of the greatest poetic minds of the 20th century and the greatest lyricist to ever rock the mic; Mr. Langston Hughes and Tupac Shakur...
Born into two different worlds and 69 years apart; but both dealing with similar struggles and shared a bunch of ish thrown in their way to set them up for failure from start...
One grew up during racial turmoil and dealt with a father that doubted his own sons dream; and the other was born into a political uprising and a mother who was in and out jail for what she believed...
Both couldn’t see their talent being trapped inside of classroom walls; so both of em ran with their abilities and put their message to pen and verse, and said to hell with em all..

Whether it was written within Hughes ‘life is fine’ or ‘Pacs me against the world’; if you pay attention you get the same message from these two great minds and understand how they blessed the world...
It took cancer to take down Langston Hughes; and he was honored with an area in Harlem named after him and then put on the news...
And five shots couldn’t take down Pac; till the lord took him too early and called him on his past dues...
So as a writer dealing with my own inner demons I hope I can show as much strength as Hughes and Pac; and maybe when my time card gets punched and I’m lucky enough to make it to heaven ill be sharing a bottle of hen with the boys up top.

Written by: ~ PhatPoet

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