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:: Mr. Mayjhaa Evil ::
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Mr. Mayjhaa Evil


::: Brother Born :::

I remember all the days that we had:
The days that we laughed and the days we were sad.
The days that we both strolled a dangerous path.
The days that we both chose to hang where it’s bad.
Gettin’ high in the sun, drinkin’ in the rain,
knowin’ we might not last long
with our lives in the short lane.
The days that were dark and the nights that were bright
with the lights of the law down on land; up in flight.
There were times that we took our time when we walked.
There were times that we drifted real swift, never talked
You were first somewhat then so much like a brother in the end
to someone who never really ever had a friend

When we walked.
There were times that we drifted real swift,
never talked.

Written by: ~ Mr. Mayjhaa Evil

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