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:: David Silon ::
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David Silon


::: Sitting :::

So there I am, sitting in the room all alone - pondering - pondering- wondering what the hell I'm pondering about. I've seen it all before because it's happened all before - sitting - anticipating - anticipating - sitting - and suddenly - it all comes out. And I know exactly what it looks like. Big - long - soft -- green. I bet you thought I was going to say something kinky.

So there I am - sitting - looking - looking at my pants around my ankles and my partially brown underwear - looking at the mildew forming in the open shower - all the while, this soft green stuff, full of corn, kept creeping out like larvae shedding its skin - and believe me, it felt good. - On the one hand, pondering the scenery, on the other, feeling the experience - and I thought to myself - did Bush or did not Bush ever serve in Vietnam - I was never clear on that. I know what you might be thinking - 'that came out of left field" No it didn't. I never claimed to be a baseball player.

Then suddenly - silence. Everything stopped. All was quiet. - Relief. - Then suddenly, I hear in the next room, the end of a commercial. An old episode of Seinfeld just came on. On the one hand, I'd like to finish up and watch it. But on the other hand, I was never really a fan of Michael Richards.

Written by: ~ David Silon
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