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:: Catherine ::
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::: Light :::

There is a light on the horizon, once again.
The air is fresh, my breath is deep.
My heart can beat with pain, but beat.
There are no bills to pay, just for the moment.

I am alive.
Somewhere, a kookaburra laughs.
And my heart sings.

Somewhere, my dreams soar far and high.
And perch above that light, just lingering.

I want to go, I want to fly,
I want my feet to run against damp ground again.
The morning lights to shelter me
From men and cold and fear and my false friends.

I want to be sixteen again.
I want my hair to fly out in the wind,
And I don’t care that I am cold,
‘Cause I believe in dreams and my own wings...

I want to scream again, I want to fight,
I want to give my all and feel that pain,
I want to think that I am innocent,
And feel that hope that ran all through my veins.

I want to just rebel and live,
I want to speak, I want to try,
I don’t want to believe one day
Would all coming crashing down...

Just for right now, I can be pure,
Untouched, untainted and unhurt.
And for the fight inside of me,
Just for right now, I have my worth.

Just for right now, just for this morning,
Just for that light, in all its glory,
The rising sun: there is no rape,
No suffering, no cruelty, and no poverty around.

There are no ghettos full of housing.
There are no silent, horrid screams
That echo through my torment dreams
Of getting taken without worry.

There is a light, that’s all I know,
The only thing that’s warm and glows,
That cradles around my hurt body.

There is no suffering I know.

Written by: ~ Catherine

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